To assist in providing greater flexibility to parents, the new amendments to Paternity Leave regulations will allow eligible employees to take their 2 weeks paternity leave in two separate blocks of a week at any time during the first 12 months following birth or adoption (previously eligible employees had to take either two consecutive weeks or one week in total and the leave had to be taken within 56 days of the birth).
The notice provisions have also been changed so that employees will now only need to give 28 days of their intention to take paternity leave.
These changes to Paternity Leave will apply to all cases where the Expected Week of Childbirth or Expected Week of Placement is on or after 6 April 2024.

About the Author
Nic Hart is Managing Partner of the London office of Duane Morris LLP, a law firm offering innovative solutions to today’s legal and business challenges across the US, the UK and internationally. Nic specialises in providing business-focused employment advice and litigation for a range of clients.